Ms In Sustainability Management And Sustainability Certifications Faculty Advisor Bios
As a student you will be able to select a faculty advisor to assist you as you plan your courses before and during registration, to direct you to resources available to you, and to advise you in your professional development. Your faculty advisor will be your primary resource for academic advising, but of course, you are more than welcome to reach out to any of the program’s faculty, staff, or fellow students for guidance.
After reviewing the faculty advisor options below, please select a faculty advisor here as early as possible, and no later than the first day of new student registration.
Please note that faculty advisors can only advise a limited number of students, so we encourage you to make a selection as soon as possible to make sure you get your top choice. You will be able to see the number of available advisee spots available next to the instructor’s name. If an instructor’s name does not have any remaining spots, please select your second choice. You will be notified of your confirmed faculty advisor and receive the next steps on how to schedule a meeting with your advisor within five business days.
Adela Gondek
Lecturer in the Discipline of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology
Amy Karpati
Director of Science and Programs, Teatown Lake Reservation
Dong Guo
Professor of Practice
John Williams
Director of Student Affairs & DEI, Columbia Climate School
Satyajit Bose
Associate Professor
Alex Heil
Senior Economist, The Conference Board
Brad Schwartz
Chief Financial Officer, Encourage Capital
Indrani Pal
Research Scientist, NOAA Center for Earth System Science and Remote Sensing Technologies
Lynnette Widder
Professor of Practice
Steve Cohen
Program Director
Ammar Belal
Founding Partner, ONE432
Celine Ruben-Salama
Jenna Lawrence
Instructor, Center for Environmental Research and Conservation
Michael Puma
Director and Research Scientist, Center for Climate Systems Research, The Earth Institute